Thursday, June 26, 2008

We have reached The Other Coast! (Florida and Georgia)

Hi Y'all!

The good and juicy stuff of life, and this particular piece of mine, fills my days and my awareness to the blissful brim. Yes, I am VERY aware of how great it is that I get to do this amazing trip! It has been so wonderful. I mean how challenging can it be when the biggest decision I have to make all day is what to eat for dinner?! All I seem to do is take pictures, read, eat, write, do a puzzle, walk, swim... you get the picture. It has been taking ALL my time to do these things therefore I am quite behind in keeping up to date on the blog. So here is a an update - through Florida and Georgia anyway.

Manatee Springs, where the most pristine fresh water gurgles up from the earth at an astonishing rate. Here I camped and went for a swim/snorkle with turtles, bass, mullet and other fish. It was sis Kris' birthday and I missed my family A LOT as I played alone in paradise. But at least we had a great talk on the phone!

Then I met up with some new friends Barnie and I made earlier in Florida. Ginna, her hubby Paul, and thier dog Buffy invited us to a Memorial Day dinner at thier house in Beverly Hills, Florida. We had a great time and it felt great to socialize and connect with some very neat people. We toured around the area and went to the Homossassa Wildlife park where I saw my first manatee! Wildlife continues to be one of my all time favorite things about this journey. Here a strange big bird whose favorite sunning spot was the little dock at my campsite. I looked her up in my bird book - an anhinga. COOL!
Next Barn and I were taken on a boat ride by our new pals. Who knew my little doggie liked water so much?! Heat was a motivator but he loved swimming around and chasing crabs on this shallow sandbar.
Our next leg of the journey took us away from the Gulf and across the middle of Florida to meet up with my long-time Practitioner Pal, LeeAnn in St. Augustine, FL. I spent almost a week plugged in outside her house just three lots away from the beach. We had a blast! And by chance we got to witness a shuttle launch too! How surreal that was! LOVE YOU LA!

Georgia time on my mind... Jeykll Island and seeing (through infrared lenses) a 300# prehistoric loggerhead sea turtle came ashore at night to lay her eggs... that was a trip highlight for sure! These creatures were special to North and I am fascinated by them. What a blessing to see one in the wild and several at the turtle center.
Loved it!

Now I thought renting this bike with the pull behind thingy was a great idea. Barnie was not in agreement! He whined the entire time! Anyway, we still found butterflys and a beautiful beach.

The next day, further north along the Georgia shore, it rained all day. And when it was not pouring in sheets we relished a walk in the swampy woods, complete with deer close encounters and nothing but the lovely sound of raindrops on leaves. Ahhhh....

Finally we came to Savannah. This is the first larger city I ventured into, tending to prefer the natural side of places. But this historical area was incredible! Barn and I took an 'on and off' trolley tour around the different areas. I've never seen so many squares/parks - every other block it seemed. And all of them with some sort of historical monument to a historical figure. Very beautiful and very interesting. The architecture, culture, and stories with strong accents from the various tour guides made it altogether very memorable.

Well then... if you have gotten this far I am glad. This is a long-ish one and it still leaves out several good pieces of the story. Like the many butterfly "fly-by's" when I was thinking of North and many, many other synchronistic events. All are serving to deepen my healing, sharpen my memories and focus my attention on the treasures all around, but mostly inside, of me. The journal pages are filling fast and so I guess you'll just have to wait for the book!

Love and blessings and warm long imaginary hugs to all.




DemiWebMan said...

You go Stef! Excellent pictures and it's good to see you smiling again. In other words, good to see you being your self. I'm so happy for you that you are making this journey.

We look forward to your next blog.

Tell Barney I said hello. Woof!

Hey, maybe catch yourself on video doing a silly happy dance in front of landmarks like Matt did here!

Anonymous said...

Boy, almost makes us homesick ! Great pictures and stories, will be a super best seller ! Stay cool and safe. Look forward to more too ! Larry & Joanne

Anonymous said...

you rock girl!
i love the appreciation you show and the depth of meaning ur getting...sah-weet!!!
cant wait to see u for ur bday!

Anonymous said...

Great blog Steph!
I read it all - love the photos too.


Anonymous said...

I just read every word honey! Fabulous! Can't wait for the hard cover edition! You sure can write! Bless you! Have fun with Zach and Susan and Jim et al!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey girlfriend,

I love the new blog, and yes, I read every word you’d written. Great pictures, too. Looks like you and Barn are having a blast. Good for you! I know you love having Zach with you. We sure miss you guys and hope we can see you again soon. Not sure when I’ll be in your area (wherever that happens to be???), but know that you are on our minds and in our hearts always. Keep the blog going – love hearing about your adventures.

Much love,


Anonymous said...

Dearest Steph,
This journey sounds absolutely magical.....You look amazing, it is all agreeing with you. I
think a journey, the beauty and wonder of nature, sharing time with new friends as well as already known friends (better than 'old friends' :):) is such an opportunity for one to really get
to know self. Perhaps in ways we never had imagined. I am so happy you are on this wonderous journey. It feels as though you are being taken into that new depth of you in such
a gentle and glorious way. Embrace it all and I can't wait for the book.:):)
Life here is good. My grandbaby is due Aug. 20. YIPEEEEE! Needless to say, summer is going to be full. I am sooo over the top about this child and watching the beautiful journey that my son and his wife are on. They are going to be the best parents.
As you know we all got together for Leigh's and my birthday and pics of Scotland. They were fabulous. It was a funfilled evening with lot's of laughter. We missed you, though you were there in Spirit.
Keep in touch.
Much Love, Warm Blessings & Deep Joy,
Sena Rose

Anonymous said...

Hey, Stef....great blog! Loved the photos, and you are glowing! Glad to hear the travels aaree such a wonderous opportunity and journey. Your experences will certainly be an insightful book! All good here. My dad is home from hospital and with hospice care now....his is such a fighter! Buddy is in Europe (thank God not Iraq) and Rose is at camp in Aspen,CO... it is turning out to be my summerrrrr off! Digby the dog is learning to play basketball-a sight to be witnessed for sure, and Rockie is just a little old ham as usual. I am finally starting to sort thru photos! Very slowly know I really hate this stuff! I need help letting go! Can't wait till the next installment! Safe travels to you! Love Susie

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love the real southerner too? Great shots and outstanding story, makes us want to come back soon. Keep it down the middle ! Love, Jo and Larry

Anonymous said...


I have been reading your blog and enjoying it.
Kim Shipway